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Learning objectives:
- To learn about ongoing data insights and governance for project assurance.
- To understand the concepts of Baselining and Setting Governance parameters.
- To monitor parameters and governance actions.
What will you be able to do after this training?.
As Partner, you will be able to leverage the value of the software in your service delivery. From a conceptual point of view, you will learn why it’s important, what is available, and operational ‘how to’ perspective.
Learning objectives:
- To use Quality Clouds to quickly assess common areas of concern within your client’s platform related to best practices and technical debt.
- To learn where Quality Clouds fits into assessments.
- To achieve insights into your client’s platform relating to the amount of custom development.
What will you be able to do after this training?.
As Partner, you will have advance knowledge to start addressing qualified assessments.
In this course the Learning objectives are to:
- Understand Quality Clouds key capabilities and architecture.
- Understand why and how Services Partners use Quality Clouds.
- Understand Quality Clouds data insights.
What will you be able to do after this training?
As Partner, you will have basic knowledge about Quality Clouds Key elements.
Learning objectives:
- To identify different type of solutions related to issues and best practices.
- To identify different scenarios related to the Writte-off of issues.
- To analyze and identify a multicomponent problem related to issues and best practices in the multiple instances dashboard.
What will you be able to do after this training?.
As student, you will develop analytical skills related to Quality Clouds solution.
Learning objectives:
- To understand how to start using the Quality Clouds Dashbaords portal and the Admin portal.
- To learn about the key elements to connect instances and create users.
- To identify how to launch the first Full Scan.
What will you be able to do after this training?.
As customer you will start using the Quality Clouds portal.
Learning objectives:
- To understand what we mean by best practice.
- To understand the importance of best practices in the work carried out on a Quality Clouds platform.
- To understand why best practices need continuously monitoring and learning.
What will you be able to do after this training?.
Understand best practices, rulesets, assessments and technical debt.
Learning objectives:
- Have and overview of Quality Clouds value as a solution.
- Understand which are the relevant inputs of the Quality Clouds solution.
- Have an overview about what Quality Clouds provides to customers.
What will you be able to do after this training?.
Understand the Quality Clouds solution.
Learning objectives:
- To understand the different platform scanning features of Quality Clouds.
- To understand how to answer the most common questions from clients when discussing scanning their environment.
- How to set up and connect an instance.
What will you be able to do after this training?.
Understand the different scan types Quality Clouds offers.